University of Virginia Library



President Shannon and Mr. Shea, Comptroller, discussed the need for a branch bank in the
University Hospital, and reported the preliminary inquiries that have been made toward obtaining one.

The following resolution, proposed by the President and moved by Dr. Martin, who accepted as
an amendment the final paragraph proposed by the seconder, Colonel Hartfield, was thereupon

WHEREAS, the hospital is desirous of being authorized to set aside 240 sq. ft. for a small
branch bank, two of the local banks having indicated an interest in operating such a branch which
would be a great convenience to the Medical Center, and

WHEREAS, there is a precedent for this in the State as a branch of one of the Richmond banks
is located in the Medical College of Virginia Hospital,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Visitors of The Rector and Visitors of the
University of Virginia that the University be authorized to enter into an agreement with a local
bank for the establishment of a branch in the Medical Center.

RESOLVED FURTHER that this resolution shall not take effect until the University's Special
Counsel shall have found, upon investigation, that the establishment of a branch bank in a University
building is in accord with Virginia law.